
Kathy Donchak

Sunday Letter: Let Nature Be Your Teacher

Published 6 months ago • 2 min read

"O sacred season of Autumn, be my teacher, for I

wish to learn the virtue of contentment. As I gaze

upon your full-colored beauty, I sense all about

you an at-homeness with your amber riches. You

are the season of retirement, of full barns and

harvested fields. The cycle of growth has ceased,

and the busy work of giving life is now

completed. I sense in you no regrets: you’ve lived

a full life. I live in a society that is ever-restless,

always eager for more mountains to climb,

seeking happiness through more and more

possessions. As a child of my culture, I am

seldom truly at peace with what I have. Teach me

to take stock of what I have given and received;

may I know that it’s enough, that my striving can

cease I…May I know the contentment that allows

the totality of my energies to come to full flower.

May I know that like you I am rich beyond

measure. As you, O Autumn, take pleasure in

your great bounty, let me also take delight in the

abundance of the simple things in life which are

the true source of joy. With the golden glow of

peaceful contentment may I truly appreciate this

autumn day." ~ Edward Hays

Dear Friends,

I hope this message finds you well. As we step into the holiday season, I wanted to extend a warm invitation to join our Holiday Writing Circle. It's not too late to be a part of this beautiful journey of self-discovery and celebration.

In this circle, we will explore a series of themes that capture the essence of the holiday season, each accompanied by a carefully crafted journaling prompt.

Here's a glimpse of the themes we'll be exploring:

  • Week 1 (November 19-25): Embracing Gratitude
  • Week 2 (November 26 - December 2): Holiday Traditions
  • Week 3 (December 3-9): Magical Moments
  • Week 4 (December 10-16): Reflection and Renewal
  • Week 5 (December 17-23): Acts of Kindness
  • Week 6 (December 24-31): Celebrating Life

Each week, I'll share a new journaling prompt, and we'll embark on a reflective journey together. It's a chance to capture the beauty of the present, celebrate the moments, people, and experiences that fill our hearts with gratitude in our journals.

If you'd like to join us, register and then keep an eye on your inbox for an email from me early Sunday mornings during this holiday season. You can register to receive the prompts each week and explore them at your own pace. I'd be delighted to have you as part of our circle.

Let's make this holiday season one of reflection, gratitude, and celebration of the life we are living. I look forward to sharing this meaningful journey with you and creating a beautiful collection of reflections and stories together.

Be well,


Let's make this holiday season one of reflection, gratitude, and celebration of the life we are living.

Kathy Donchak

I write about nature, family, creativity, and wellbeing.

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